Asreen Rostami

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences · Stockholm Univerity.

Senior Researcher in the Technologies for Interaction at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden & Digital Futures fellow in the Stockholm Technology & Interaction Research.

Current Research

Gender inclusive cybersecurity

Digital Futures Postdoc fellowship
In collaboration with PROF. BARRY BROWN & DR. SHAHID RAZA

This project will be built around bringing marginalised perspectives into cybersecurity, starting with looking at deviant use of smart home devices. Its goal is to develop a ‘gender inclusive cybersecurity’, a human-centred approach to security that encompass feminist principles such as diversity, autonomy, respect, and consent and applies them in a digital context.

Previous Research

Securing Things: Human Centred Internet of Things Security

VR project lead by Dr. Shahid Raza & Prof. Barry Brown

This project is focused on “humanising” Internet of Thing (IoT) security by providing an understanding of the technical, design, social and political issues that arise when considering IoT systems from a human- centred perspective. What does it mean to feel secure when using IoT systems? How do we design and facilitate secure IoT? Our investigations will take an approach stressing the relationality of IoT infrastructures. The aim is to develop the cultural, political and empirical understandings that will be needed to regulate, manage, and design for secure IoT. (RISE)


My Google Scholar profile can be found here, the title of each paper below links directly to the PDF (when available).

Honourable MentionKintsugi VR: Designing with Fractured Objects
Asreen Rostami, K Karlgren, D McMillan
ACM IMX 2022 (ACM)

Being Hacked: Understanding Victims' Experiences of IoT Hacking
Asreen Rostami, M Vigren, S Raza, B Brown

Why Users Hack: Conflicting Interests and the Political Economy of Software
B Browm, M Vigren, Asreen Rostami, M Glöss
CSCW 2022 (ACM)

The Normal Natural Troubles of Virtual Reality in Mixed-Reality Performances
Asreen Rostami, Donald McMillan
ACM CHI 2022 (ACM)

Design in Action: Unpacking the Artists’ Role in Performance-Led Research
J Tholanders, C Rossitto, Asreen Rostami, Y Ishiguro, T Miyaki, J Rekimoto
ACM CHI 2021 (ACM)

Under Surveillance: Technology Practices of those Monitored by the State
P Sanches, V Tsaknaki, Asreen Rostami, B Brown
ACM CHI 2020 (ACM)

Frictional Realities: Enabling Immersion in Mixed-Reality Performances
Asreen Rostami, Chiara Rossitto, Annika Waern

Musicians' initial encounters with a smart guitar
Chiara Rossitto, Asreen Rostami, Jakob Tholander, Donald McMillan, Louise Barkhuus, Carlo Fischione, Luca Turchet
NordiCHI 2018 (ACM)

Glimpses of the future: Designing fictions for mixed-reality performances
A Rostami, C Rossitto, D. McMillan, J Spence, R Taylor, J Hook, J Williamson, L Barkhuus
ACM Interactions 2018 (ACM)

Design fiction for mixed-reality performances
A Rostami, C Rossitto, D. McMillan, J Spence, R Taylor, J Hook, J Williamson, L Barkhuus
Proc. ACM CHI 2017 (ACM)

Bio-sensed and embodied participation in interactive performance
A Rostami, D. McMillan, E Márquez Segura, C Rossito, L Barkhuus
Proc. ACM TEI 2017 (ACM)

Bodystorming For Movement-Based Interaction Design
EM Segura, LT Vidal, A Rostami
Journal of Human Technology (Journal of Human Technology)

Embodied sketching
E Márquez Segura, L Turmo Vidal, A Rostami, A Waern
Proc. ACM CHI 2016 (ACM)

Testing in the Field: Voice Based Interaction for Citizen Reporting in Uganda
Asreen Rostami, V Savinov, L Barkhuus
Proc. ACM CHI 2015 (ACM)

Interweaving Technology: Understanding the Design and Experience of Interactive Performances
Asreen Rostami
Doctoral Thesis, Stockholm University 2020 (DiVA)

Grants & Awards

  • Hounorable Mention Award from ACM IMX for "Kintsugi VR: Designing with Fractured Objects", 2022
  • Digital Futures Fellowship, Stockholm Univeristy & RISE, 2021
  • The ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship grant, RISE, 2020
  • Collaboration grant between Stockholm University and Tokyo University on "Sketching with Frictions: Designing Mixed-Reality Experiences with VR", 100K SEK, Granted by Stockholm University, 2018-2019, Sweden
  • Visiting researcher grant, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 2018.
  • Scholarship Recipient: The ACM-W Europe Celebration of Women in computing: womENcourage 2018
  • Development grant on ” Frictional Realities” in collaboration with artist Noah Hellwig, 100K SEK, Granted by Riksteatern, 2018, Sweden
  • Development grant on ” Frictional Realities” in collaboration with artist Noah Hellwig, 50K SEK, Granted by Stockholms Stad, 2018, Sweden
  • In collaboration with Bombina Bombast: Research grant on “Critical Representation and Virtual Reality”, 0.9 Million SEK (~90000 EURO), Granted by Kulturbryggan, 2016, Sweden
  • Scholarship Recipient: Google’s Women Techmakers, EMEA 2016
  • Google Grace Hopper travel grant 2016
  • Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Finalist, EMEA 2013
  • SPIDER master student research and travel grant to conduct reearch in Uganda, in the field of ICT4D, 2012 and 2013